We have been taking care of Rufus, our son's dog while Bede Jr is deployed for a few months. Rufus found Bede Jr. and adopted him just before Thanksgiving last year. Rufus is a yellow lab, probably about 2 years old. Rufus is a good dog, with a sweet disposition, as most labs are. But Rufus is BIG, has unlimited energy, and loves to chew. The first day we had him home I went to the pet shop and bought $30.00 of chew toys and rawhide bones. I figured that would last for the few months we will have him. Rufus destroyed most of the toys that first afternoon, and the rest the following day. We learned quickly there are chew toys and there are chewed up toys. We have since found a few new toys that are "impossible" to destroy, or so says the packaging. He is doing his best to prove them wrong.
Wednesday morning he and I had it out. I was almost ready for work and running a little late, when I discovered Rufus had found a container of sweet and sour sauce left out from dinner the night before. He had decided to eat it on my dining room rug. RED,RED,RED, red sauce everywhere! So there am I on my hands and knees scrubbing the carpet,Rufus in my face, because of course he thinks I am playing some great game. Needless to say I wasn't in a game playing state of mind. Lola, our parrot, thought all the yelling was fun to and decided to join in. Rufus barking, Lola screeching, me yelling...what a zoo! I threw the dog in his kennel, locked the bird in her cage and went off to the peace and quiet of work.
The best part of the story is the best part of pet ownership. when I got home that evening, Rufus met me with a big wet kiss, Lola hollered out "Hello, Pretty Girl". They didn't remember the craziness of the morning, (although the pink tinge on the carpet reminded me). They were happy to see me. They are always happy to see me...to see anyone. Gotta love it!