1st game tonight. Kick off is 6:00pm. Bede & I will be there in our new seats. We don't think they are as good as the last location... we shall see. Saturday, temp in the high 80's, humid, everyone in red...gotta be Nebraska. GO BIG RED !!! GO BIG RED !!! Go BIG RED !!!
Saturday we went on a road trip to Mamou Louisiana. Fred's Lounge to be exact. The Cajun Capital of the World....at least that's what is written on the side of the building. Every Saturday morning from 8-1 they broadcast a live radio show from Fred's. A Cajun/zydeco band takes up most of the floor space and the rest of the bar is packed with locals and people from all over the US and even other countries. Tante Sue (Aunt Sue) runs the place and greets you at the door, or in our case in the parking lot. She is in her 70s and has a leather holster strapped to her leg to hold her bottle of "Hot Damn", a cinnamon flavored drink. The music is loud, foot stomping and the crowd kept growing. Another bit of Louisiana. Oh, I had a po-boy on this trip too. Drive thru daiquiris, fried shrimp on a bun, live zydeco music...Good times.
Bede and I spent a couple of days visiting Bede Jr. in Shreveport, Louisiana. On Friday evening we went out for a Drive-thru-Daiquiri...that's right! We didn't even have to get out of the car. Lots of choices, lots of sizes...even a gallon for the real party people.
We settled for the 24 oz. Mine was strawberry, the Bedes both got a "player" which is 3 different flavors, 3 different alcohols in layers. All were delicious. LA has an open container law, just passed in the last couple of years, so each container was taped shut for the ride home. We sat out in the back yard and enjoyed this little bit of Louisiana uniqueness.
I've seen Mamma Mia, the movie twice. I love it. I want to see it again. I want to own it when it is released to dvd. I love a movie that makes me happy. This one made me happy, made me want to burst into song. I was never an ABBA fan really,(although I have had "Take a chance on me" as my ring tone for over a year), but in the context of the movie, the music is great. I have downloaded the soundtrack to my ipod and when I have my headphones on and the music turned up, I feel like I am in a musical. It sounds like the world is hearing the music as well. Sometimes when I am in the grocery store, I listen to the piped in music and think how fun(funny)it would be to just break out in song as I wheel the cart down aisle after aisle. But I'm sure it would end badly, probably with me committed for 72 hours of observation...involuntarily.
Some day I just may belt out a tune just because I feel like it. That's one of the best thing about getting older. I don't care as much about what other people think of me. So in the future if you see a little old lady dancing and singing in the produce section, grab a cart, follow me and sing along. Until then...I'm going to see Mamma Mia again!
I just recieved a call from the editorial staff at the Lincoln Journal Star. They wanted to confirm it was I that wrote a letter to the editor. They ask for a little information about the letter and it's content to prove I am indeed the author. This will be my 3rd letter published by the LJS. (3rd letter written as well, so I'm batting 1000). I know it's small time, but I like the idea of other people reading what I write...hence the whole blog thing. I should spend more time writing, I like it and it's certainly a way for me to vent and express my thoughts and ideas. I should spend more time writing, really writing. Something longer than 2-3 paragraphs. I read different columnists in the paper and envy their job. What a great way to make a living. That's my goal, until then I will have to be content with occasional letters to the editor of the local paper.
OK... at the beginning of the summer we had rain, we had lots of rain. Even so our mayor thought it might be prudent to ask the citizens of Lincoln to practice conservative watering. He recommended we water only on alternate days. No one needed to water. We didn't water for most of May and June due to low temps and all that rain I mentioned before. Well, now I read in the local newspaper that the Lincoln Water System is concerned that they are not making enough money, because people did not use enough water. They may even have to raise the rates...
Gas...up to $4.00+ per gallon for a while. We were advised to carpool, walk, ride the bus, drive less. Again we did what was recommended to us by the powers that be. Now I read in the paper that because we are using less gasoline, tax revenues have fallen and the roads and highways we have been using less, may not recieve necessary repairs due to lack of funds.
Use too much and we are told we are abusing and using up the natural resources. Use less and we are told we will have to pay more.
Irony: Incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result.