We had a third parking pad put in next to the garage. There will be a fence and an arbor toward the back of the garage. We left room on the fence side to plant something that will hopefully climb/cover the fence eventually and soften the look of the cement.
We have had lots of rain, moderate temps and the garden is flourishing! This year I have had little planting to do. Most of the yard is planted with perrennials and we just have to do basic maintenance, deadheading, weeding, watering, etc. This is the 1st year we have had time to really sit back and enjoy the yard.
It was "Homestead Days" this weekend. Lots of historical demonstrations, historical talks and music. This National Monument is just outside of Beatrice, NE. It's usually a sleepy little park, just 10,000 visitors a year. I think they get about a third of those visitors on this weekend. A great place to visit. The rangers and volunteers do a great job.
Took the ferry to and from Ft. Sumter. It's a beautiful site out in the bay. The weather was fine, the sea breeze refreshing...some took advantage of the trip and had a nap! Spent a couple of hours seeing the harbor and the fort. Very cool!
We shopped, we ate, we looked at houses...Such an awesome city. Beautiful homes, secret gardens, big front doors that lead to the open porch. After a few hours getting to know the city we got ready to head out on a tour of the harbor and ferry ride to Ft. Sumter.