We had the poor thing towed away and it has gone to that big parts yard in the sky... actually just east of Lincoln.
Anyway, Bede was sad to see it go, He loved that truck.He is sure that the size of his truck was the reason he was not hurt at all.
So now we are truckless. We have decided to take a trip to Shreveport to bring back Bede Jr.'s truck. He has nowhere to leave it so we will drive it and keep it here until he returns. It is all working out. Although the amount the insurance agency decided the truck was worth is nowhere near enough to purchase another one. So even though the accident was not Bede's fault, the other driver was sited for failure to yeild the right of way, we will have to spend our own $$$$ to replace the truck. We will do so eventually, but with Bede Jr's truck here we won't have to hurry and can take our time. Bede Jr's truck is not a 4x4. It's nice having that feature here in the winter.
It's 75 degrees here today on the 1st of November...so maybe we won't have to worry about snow and ice.......wishful thinking on my part!