Hopefully they will fill in the empty areas. The perennials will become larger as well. It worked last year, so my fingers are crossed for this year as well.
We noticed the honeysuckle was coming back nicely after we drastically cut them back this year.
We also planted another honeysuckle to replace the one that died last year.
Bede had planted grass seed in spots throughout the lawn and they are sprouting nicely.
My seedlings in the green house are coming up well. I'll be able to plant most of them soon.
The irises we got from my father in law are promising to bloom soon. He died last July. This is our 1st Spring without him. He was an avid gardener and I treasure the fact that we have a little of his garden here with us. Every time I look at them I think of Pete and smile. I know it would make him happy to know his flowers bloom here!