Monday, August 27, 2007

Andrew moved back home on Saturday. He has been living in a house with friends for the summer, while he had a full time job and could actually pay rent. It was a small house, in a very interesting neighborhood. At least once a week while he was living there I would read in the newspaper of some crime, shooting, even a hostage incident where the local swat team was called in....just a block or two from his address. Andrew always seemed blissfully unaware of these happenings. I guess after a while you don't even hear the sirens anymore. School starts today so he's back.
Within 20 minute of his arrival home there was no doubt he lived there again. At least 6 pairs of ginormous skater shoes littered the front hallway, most right in front of the case of an emergency maybe? The sink that had been free of dirty dishes for most of the summer was filling up fast and the laundry room was piled high with laundry, some of which was probably clean, but who knows so it all goes in the wash. There was a part of me , as I surveyed the path of destruction that sadly thought back to the summer when with just my husband and I home, we would wash the dinner dishes, go to bed with a clean kitchen and empty sink to wake up the next morning with...a clean kitchen and an empty sink. Those days are over....Andrew is a midnight eater. He loves to raid the fridge in the wee hours. He doesn't always pick up his clothes from the floor, he never makes his bed, and I don't even want to think about his bathroom. But he's home again and for that I am grateful. He's our youngest and I know one day he will leave home, not just for the summer, but for good. I have the rest of my life to gaze in wonder at a clean kitchen, and shoeless hallway. But I only have a year or two left of having my child at home. I remember one day years ago, after a particularly long day, my husband deployed and the kids really getting on my nerves and making a huge mess, thanking God... for my kids, for having kids healthy enough to make a mess, kids who knew that we loved them no matter what. I know I am blessed. They get into trouble, they do not always make me happy, but I always love them and I am glad I have a little while longer to enjoy the company of at least one of them.Welcome home move the dang shoes...