Friday, July 18, 2008


This morning I said goodbye to Bede Jr. He has been home on leave and is heading back home to Barksdale AFB. I am always surprised at how hard it is to see him go. He has not lived at home since he was 18 and entered the Air Force Academy. You would think it would be easy for me, or at least easier. No! It breaks my heart every time. After I left him I went to join my co-workers to pray a rosary outside the abortion clinic. As we asked Mary to pray for us..."Blessed are you among women and Blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus"...I could feel her heart break at the loss of her son. I have not lost my son, he is just gone from me for a while, and I feel a profound emptiness. I can only imagine her grief. As I was praying and missing my son, a car drove into the abortion clinic driveway. A young woman sat in the passenger seat. As I watched her pass I could only wonder how can she do this? How can she freely allow her child to be killed.

My son is alive, well and wonderful, but because he is not with me, I am sad. How will this young mother feel for the rest of her life? Her child will never be alive, well and wonderful, and never be with her. I thought about Mary's grief at the loss of her son. I thought of her "heart pierced by a sword". I thought how her grief must be compounded as she sees babies lost everyday. I felt her sadness, I felt her many sons and daughters, so many broken many tears.

"Mother of God, pray for us NOW, and at the hour of our death". Pray for these women, for their babies, pray for all of us. Amen