Monday, January 19, 2009

I have been avoiding the news and tv, radio for the past few days. I just can't watch the festivities with a happy heart. I am not filled with HOPE. I am filled with uncertainty and fear for our great country. I cannot understand nor share in the adulation and almost adoration of our president elect. Don't get me wrong..he is the president elect of the United States of America. As such I will hope and pray for his success and courage to meet the needs and demands of the job. But I just do not understand what it is about Barak Obama that makes people swoon and make "pilgrimages" to Washington to see him. I do understand the historical significance of his presidency. I am proud of our country that we have reached a time in our history that we can and did elect a Black man to the highest office of the land. I just hope we voted for him because we thought he was the right man for the job, not because of his color. I am afraid because he has no history, he has made no important decisions, he seems to have made a career of not making waves or ruffling feathers. He has no experience. He is such an unknown. It frightens me.
One thing I do know about him is that he is pro abortion. He has said one of the first things he will do in office is to sign the Freedom of Choice Act. Freedom of Choice...sounds good. But in fact it will take away the freedom of medical practitioners to opt out of providing contraception, morning after pills, abortions, etc. It takes away the freedom to practice your faith as it relates to your job. It actually takes away choice. For a long time now, the pro-abortion folks have tried to pass themselves off as pro-choice. But only if you choose their way. Abortion is legal in the US. But that is not enough. It must be available to our underage daughters, without letting parent know. It must be available without any information as to the procedure and it's risks. It must be offered by all medical practitioners, even those who believe with all their hearts that it is indeed the murder of a child. Where is the choice in that. Freedom of choice is anything but!
That is my biggest concern with the beginning of this new presidency. Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from all religion. People of Faith must be allowed to practice that faith without persecution. Forcing pro-life medical providers to be involved in abortion and/or contraception is persecution. This is not the United States of our fore fathers. It is not the United States of our fathers.
I write this today with a very heavy heart. I still have great hope for my country. But my hope is so different than the HOPE that I have been hearing about lately. My hope is not, nor ever has been, in one human person. My hope is in people, in faith, in God. I am concerned and amazed at the hope people seem to have in Barak Obama. That he can change the country, that he can change the world. The president of the United States doesn't have that kind of power, no human being does.
So I will pray long and hard for the United States of America. I will pray that we will be a country that cherishes all life, not just the young, rich and beautiful. Not just the healthy, who have a good "quality of life". A country that treats all people equally. A country who truly lives the promise of LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.