Saturday, December 8, 2012

Self Portrait

I've been taking a class at the local Junior College...the principals of Photography I. I'm loving it. But what I really have learned is how much I don't know! A common phrase around here is I have achieved a "higher level of ignorance". When you know a little about a subject matter, you may feel like you know actually quite a bit. BUT...(there's always a big BUT), when you begin to really learn how much information is out there, as opposed to how much you really know...well, let's just say it's a long process. I'm committed to photography II, III, IV. It may be a couple of years before I feel like I can take a good photo. In the meanwhile, I'm having so much fun taking photos and using different settings, actually understanding my camera... This is what I have been playing with today. Large aperture, shallow depth of field, low light...