Monday, February 13, 2012

SNOW, 10 days later

Here we are in Lincoln, NE. It's the middle of February. There is snow everywhere. Snow on the ground, snow in piles in parking lots and street corners. Snow falling from the sky as I write. Snow is forcasted again later in the week. Snow, snow, snow. I hate it! I'm tired of it! I want it to go away! Snow is first all clean, white and beautiful. It is a beautiful sight, as I watch it fall from the warmth of my living room, fireplace casting a charming glow. But then you have to go out in it. You must clear the sidewalks and the driveway. You have to drive in it. You have to walk in parking lots and on sidewalks where people were not so kind as to clear a path. Your feet get wet. Your feet get cold. Your shoes get filthy.
The snow gets dirty, really dirty. Snow gets ugly. I hate it! When I really get tired of this...
I dream about this...
You can take the girl out of California, but you can't take the California out of the girl!