Sunday, May 6, 2012


On May 1, 2012, Bede Jr. was promoted to the rank of Major. Bede Sr. and I drove to San Antonio for the event. Bede Sr. was able to administer the oath of office to his son. Quite an honor. Bede's fiance, Brittany and her mom and dad were there as well. It was wonderful spending time with them. After the promotion, there was a reception at the squadron. Cake, cupcakes, wings, beer and sodas for all. We were so delighted to be a part of such a special day. Although how I got old enough to have a son who is a major is beyond me. It seems like it was not very long ago that Bede Sr. was a major.It just boggles the mind. I know I have mentioned before in this blog that time seems to move increasingly faster the older I get. I frequently have to remind myself to stop and take it all in. Andrew's wedding is just 3 weeks away, Bede Jr. will be married in less than a year. My grand baby is already 2 months old.It's an amazing, wonderful ride. I'm hanging on with both hands and my eyes wide open!