Friday, May 25, 2012

There is no other feeling in this world more satisfying than to look at this baby and see that she is fat and happy! Not even 3 months ago she came into this world a little under 7 lbs. Now she has multiple chins and is smiling.( I have multiple chins...but somehow it's just not the same, and it does not make me smile!) The world is an amazing place and we are so incredibly blessed. Margot was born into a loving family, with 2 parents who love her, even when she is not smiling. She has Grandparents who love her and aunts and uncles who think she is fabulous. Thank God for this little miracle. It makes me even more aware of all those babies born into families who don't care or cannot. We need to pray for them and help them when we can. We need to remember how we are blessed every day to have loving parents and brothers and sisters, grandparents, who all care. It may not take a village, but it takes a family!