Friday, August 1, 2008

How Ironic...

OK... at the beginning of the summer we had rain, we had lots of rain. Even so our mayor thought it might be prudent to ask the citizens of Lincoln to practice conservative watering. He recommended we water only on alternate days. No one needed to water. We didn't water for most of May and June due to low temps and all that rain I mentioned before. Well, now I read in the local newspaper that the Lincoln Water System is concerned that they are not making enough money, because people did not use enough water. They may even have to raise the rates...

Gas...up to $4.00+ per gallon for a while. We were advised to carpool, walk, ride the bus, drive less. Again we did what was recommended to us by the powers that be. Now I read in the paper that because we are using less gasoline, tax revenues have fallen and the roads and highways we have been using less, may not recieve necessary repairs due to lack of funds.

Use too much and we are told we are abusing and using up the natural resources.
Use less and we are told we will have to pay more.


Irony: Incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result.