Friday, January 27, 2012


You probably didn't see or hear any stories about the March for Life in DC held last Monday. Thousands of pro life Americans marched and showed their support for the unborn.
I am always amazed that 3 "occupy" wherever protesters can make the top news story by sitting on a park bench speaking nonsense, but a group over 100,000 strong barely gets a mention on the nightly news or more than 5 lines in the paper. Sad.

Tomorrow, Lincoln NE will hold our own annual March for Life. Bede and I will be there for the 8th year in a row. Catholics, all people of faith and everyone who respects life, from birth til natural death needs to represent! The time has come for us to speak up, to be present, to make our voices heard. We will not quit. We will never change our minds. Life is sacred, always has been, always will be, no matter who is making policy. Life is not POLICY.
Wherever you are, in whatever way you can, be a part of the Pro-Life voice.